Monday, October 19, 2009

God is Sooo Funny

I've had a fair number of practical jokes played on me in my time but this one takes the cake :). We went to our Level II ultrasound today with no intention (at least I had no intention) of finding out the sexes of our twin babies, so we told the technician right when we walked in the room. After extensive measurements of "Baby A" she said, "okay I'm going to look to see what sex it is; close your eyes," so we did. Then she continued as Rich squirmed in his seat like ants had just landed in his pants. I decided to bite, "do you want to find out?" He said "yes, this is too hard". The technician advised us not to make any brash decisions so when she left the room to give me a short break before measuring "Baby B" I said, "okay, if she can check Baby B and be sure of the sex so we can find out at the same time, I'll agree to it." Like an excited child Rich said, "Okay, deal." Then I quickly squeezed in one more stipulation: I get the middle name I wanted to follow the world's most beautiful girl's name we had already selected. "Deal!" he said again.

Long story short, sure enough, the technician knew both sexes. "Two boys!" That's when I blacked out. Not really, but it was quite a shock to both of us because we expected it to be two girls or one of each. Neither of us ever dreamed it was two boys. I'm still in shock and my emotions have been all over the board today but one thing, actually two things, have been consistent throughout all of the out of control hormonal emotions: I am truly madly in love with these boys, and I feel unbelievably blessed.

More importantly, both babies, I mean boys, appear healthy and are growing as expected. Baby A weighs 10 oz and his heartbeat was at about 156 bpm and Baby B weighs 11 oz and his heartbeat was about 167 bpm. Both had 10 fingers and 10 toes and are measuring a few days further along than what we are (18 weeks, 3 days).

I can't wait to meet these little buggers. Yes, God, I am laughing. Ha ha.

- Nichole, with the twin boys and the H

1 comment:

  1. Nichole-

    Congrats - that is so awesome..... 2 boys. What a joy! I am glad they are healthy and you are feeling well as well.

