You probably cannot read this sign, but it cracks me up where they have it placed. It says, "For Patient Privacy Please Wait Here Until Called". Can you see how close it is to the counter? That was really nice of them to consider the patients' privacy, not that it's really needed unless someone is trying to be anonymously pregnant (hard to hide at a perinatologists office).
Pretty much any pregnant woman's body (even non-pregnant) expands from the counter to the sign. I'd for sure feel like a creepy stalker if I stood at that sign while someone else checked in for their appointment. My twin boys would be close enough to kick them in the back! I did fantasize about how funny it would be to stand there like I thought it was normal while someone else was checking in. That, sadly, was my weekly entertainment at the perinatologist's office for 8 weeks. Although it would lose all entertainment value, I suggest either moving the sign back a few feet or changing the verbiage to say, "Wait here to freak out the hormonal pregnant person in front of you. And, good luck."
Back at my OB/GYN's office, they have the same sign but it is positioned about 5 feet from the counter. Clearly the person responsible for that sign has the same space issues I have. No wonder I'm happy to be back there (well, and I think my OB walks on water).
Today marks 35 weeks and 3 days. After 9 weeks of bed rest, I could not feel luckier. Now we're just watching for signs of labor. Life is so good.....
- (Still) Horizontal Nichole, with an h
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