Friday, February 19, 2010

36 Weeks!! Yea!

That's right...36 weeks, I don't care what anyone says. I haven't vented about this much on the blog (thought I'd spare you) but healthcare providers really struggle with counting up to 40 weeks. There was some debate at the perinatologist's office as to how far along I was, which ended on the number I had been telling them all along. Today, back at the OB's office, the ultrasound tech said I was 36 weeks, 5 days. Trust me, I would notice those bonus 5 days. Then, today when my OB said I was 36 weeks, I corrected her by telling her, "No, I'm 35 weeks and 7 days." Yeah, that really sounds stupid when you say it out loud. She said, "Yeah, 36 weeks." So there you have it. I'm 36 weeks as much as anyone can tell. With that magical number comes a lot of good things:
  • I've graduated from "strict" bed rest, and can move around and sit up (still can't work or do housework - no lie). This is the bed rest people envy. However, now I don't feel like moving....not even an inch; I'm so stinkin' sore and uncomfortable.
  • The only major development still going on with twins is weight gain during these final weeks (lungs, liver, kidneys - all done).
  • No more meds, which means I can go to bed at 10 pm (instead of 12 am after I had taken a dose) and I don't have to wake up at 6 am to take another dose.

The boys are getting more stubborn (sleepy, lazy) but they managed to get all their points for the biophysical and NST tests today, which means they are not under distress, their hearts are beating well, they are moving around and they are practicing their breathing. The doc checked my cervix and it's still closed, so no signs of labor yet. Only 2 more weeks until the doc decides it's time to force them out into this crazy world. Rich is chomping at the bit, but I am patiently waiting. I know it will get only get nuttier when they arrive.

- Semi-vertical Nichole, with an h

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