Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ultrasound Update

I went to the doctor on Monday for a follow up ultrasound (25 weeks, 3 days). It's a routine ultrasound to measure the growth of twins. Apparently they typically start growing at different rates during or after the 23rd week. The boys are doing awesome (and they confirmed that they still appear to be boys :). They said Baby A was measuring about 7 days ahead of his age and Baby B was measuring 5 days ahead of his age (I think my due date really is 5 days earlier based on the formula they tell you to use to determine your due date). They both are estimated to weigh over 2 pounds (2.5 lbs. and 2-3/4 lbs.) and have normal heartbeats (147bpm and 150bpm), We were nervous for the ultrasound because we've heard about complications particularly during this time, so we were thrilled by the results.

However, we weren't even thinking about me (why would we?). The technician asked if I had been working out a lot (ha, that's hilarious) but I had just returned from a really busy tradeshow in Chicago, a 12-hour day of shopping, two rigorous days of house work, etc....long story short, apparently my cervix is "shortening". They used to compliment me on my long cervix, not sure where those days went :) It's measuring at 2.6 (the numbers go in descending order - and apparently the shortening and thinning of the cervix is one of the first things that prepare the body for labor - I need to catch up on my books to understand this better) and the technician said the doctor would probably put me on bed rest or partial bed rest. Luckily, our female 12 year old version of Doogie Howser (not our normal MD), must have sensed that I expected bed rest to come with a straight jacket (at least this early). I was extremely relieved when she said she was not worried but that I'd have to come in on a regular basis to check my cervix. Sweet. Well, here I am, taking it easy and providing far too many details on our blog :).

I'd love to show you ultrasound pics (our babies have really cute feet, if I do say so myself :) but we don't automatically get them on CD like Nicole does. I have the cheap insurance :). Take my word for it, they are beautiful - the feet and the babies.

- Nichole, with an h

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