Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Horizontal Life

The Hacker, aka my wonderful husband Rich, is reminding me it's time for an update and I figure I should fill you in before he hacks into our blog again and does it for me :).

As the headline indicates (as well as "the Hacker's" entries), I've landed my large basketball shaped belly on strict bed rest for showing signs of preterm labor that I didn't even know I had. And, I'm happy to say, I've completed two full weeks already (let's not talk about the fact that I hope to stay here for the next 6-8 weeks).

There are different levels of bed rest (who knew?) and "strict bed rest" means I can shower every-other day (for 7 minutes! - this is the only rule I break), sit up to eat and get up to go to the bathroom (which is often). No preparing meals, no stairs, no sitting up to update blogs. It's kind of a challenge since I am not a book reader (love magazines) nor TV junkie (like movies though) and it's wiped out my social calendar and all sense of vanity (however, I scream every time I pass a mirror and realize this is my "au naturale" look :). However, I am not complaining. The longer the babies stay put, the greater chance they have at having healthy lives. I want that more than anything. I want it so badly.

Far too many people have told me that they wish they were on bed rest. I'm convinced these people have never actually been on bed rest because they don't realize the unbelievable worry for your baby/ies well being that goes along with it. I know what they mean though - mandatory R&R; who doesn't want that (minus the worry).

Anyway, enough of that. I have changed while on bed rest. I've read one book, watched countless movies and have become a TV junkie. I need the boys to stay put so I can watch The Biggest Loser (always been a fan) that starts a new season next week as well as a new show, Undercover Boss. I also have the Hollywood award shows and the Olympics lined up in my very busy day planner :). I've reconnected with The Young & The Restless and am a big fan of Dr. Oz. I've also got to read the Twilight series and complete the puzzle book thing my friend's gave me as part of a care package (such awesome friends!!). These same friends also gave me Season 1 of Gossip Girl, which I had never seen. My husband makes me wait for him to watch it and went out and bought Season 2 after we finished the first one. I'm not sure I'd watch it if not for bed rest but we truly are addicted. We've had some marathon days and I'm getting a little concerned. My dreams now are in the form of Gossip Girls. I don't know if you've seen it but in my dreams, I get texts informing me of other people's secrets and next thing you know, all of Chaska (upper east side of NYC) knows it. Of course I'm Blake Lively in my dreams.....and then I wake up and pass that all telling mirror :)

Anyway, you'll all have to go on bed rest just to have enough time to read my yet again, looonnnngggg entry.

Horizontally yours (wow, that sounds really good),
Nichole, with an h

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Jay-Z, Victor and number 32

Nichole finds it odd Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter was on Oprah. Is excited for the return of Victor to Y&R and can't wait till 32 weeks. Rich, on the other hand, cannot stand Oprah, thinks "Days" is a far superior daytime soap and also cannot wait till 32 weeks. Lots of good qt with the missus though. Merry Christmas everyone. Better hunker down for the storm of the century!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Greetings bffbabies junkies. Rich here posting a blog on behalf of Nichole (w/ an H). As you can see she's laying on her ass. I'd better get used to it, because as of December 15th, she is on strict bed rest. No that is not our bed at home, it's at the hospital. Signs of pre-term labor led Nichole to getting checked into Methodist on Tuesday. She had some testing done to make sure she wasn't going to go into full blown labor anytime soon. Tests came back negative...so we got that going for us, which is good. We are still here as of Thursday night, because of a regiment of steriods to promote lung growth in the babies. Additionally, Nichole was being administered doses of Magnesium to open her blood vessels and relax the muscles. It helps settle the uterus down and decreases the contractions. She still gets little contractions here and there, but her cervix is holding steady and we'll likely get her checked into Casa 2304 Van Sloun Rd tomorrow. But it's rest, rest, rest for Nichole. The silver lining in all of this, well, many, actually:

1.) Nichole is healthy.
2.) The boys are healthy.
3.) They are getting superb care at Methodist.

Peace and Love, Peace and Love.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

24 Week Bellies

The boys have officially passed the dainty little girl in size.

Ultrasound Update

I went to the doctor on Monday for a follow up ultrasound (25 weeks, 3 days). It's a routine ultrasound to measure the growth of twins. Apparently they typically start growing at different rates during or after the 23rd week. The boys are doing awesome (and they confirmed that they still appear to be boys :). They said Baby A was measuring about 7 days ahead of his age and Baby B was measuring 5 days ahead of his age (I think my due date really is 5 days earlier based on the formula they tell you to use to determine your due date). They both are estimated to weigh over 2 pounds (2.5 lbs. and 2-3/4 lbs.) and have normal heartbeats (147bpm and 150bpm), We were nervous for the ultrasound because we've heard about complications particularly during this time, so we were thrilled by the results.

However, we weren't even thinking about me (why would we?). The technician asked if I had been working out a lot (ha, that's hilarious) but I had just returned from a really busy tradeshow in Chicago, a 12-hour day of shopping, two rigorous days of house work, etc....long story short, apparently my cervix is "shortening". They used to compliment me on my long cervix, not sure where those days went :) It's measuring at 2.6 (the numbers go in descending order - and apparently the shortening and thinning of the cervix is one of the first things that prepare the body for labor - I need to catch up on my books to understand this better) and the technician said the doctor would probably put me on bed rest or partial bed rest. Luckily, our female 12 year old version of Doogie Howser (not our normal MD), must have sensed that I expected bed rest to come with a straight jacket (at least this early). I was extremely relieved when she said she was not worried but that I'd have to come in on a regular basis to check my cervix. Sweet. Well, here I am, taking it easy and providing far too many details on our blog :).

I'd love to show you ultrasound pics (our babies have really cute feet, if I do say so myself :) but we don't automatically get them on CD like Nicole does. I have the cheap insurance :). Take my word for it, they are beautiful - the feet and the babies.

- Nichole, with an h

Black Friday Shopping at 24 Weeks

This is our cart after loading up the back of Nicole's Tahoe SUV for 5 hours (this was taken at 9 a.m.).

This is Nicole's SUV after we shopped for 12 hours (breaking the kids in early).

My share (by the way, I finished my shopping that day for Christmas and birthdays through July). A couple of screaming and pooping boys will not throw off my game (I'm laughing as I say this, knowing I will have no idea what is coming our way). I love birthdays! :)