Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Twin Update

The time has come for these boys to join our crazy world. I'm 37 weeks, 4 days and ready. The doctor said during our appointment yesterday that I was in early stage labor (dialated to a 2-3) and she thought I'd deliver today. I think she just said that because she was doing deliveries today and I have been very vocal about how I'd like her to be the one to deliver our babies. We've only got 2 more hours until she's off though so these boys better hurry (or wait until next Tuesday!). I did do my part - got up early (for me), "got ready" with no shortcuts, took Lola for a walk, went out to lunch, and drove around with Rich and did errands. I got home and had no signs of going into full blown labor but was very sore and tired. I've been trying to continue to be active but I am exhausted (amazing how easily that happens these days). Either way, we're scheduled to be induced on Saturday, so we'll get to hold them before you know it.

- Nichole, with an h

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