Thursday, January 21, 2010

So Many Numbers, So Little Time

I've never been a numbers person but numbers are spinning around in my head today. Here are just some of those numbers:
  • 1: The number of days until I complete my 32nd week (YAHOOO!!!! It's a big milestone in fetal development)
  • 6: The maximum number of weeks until the babies arrive
  • 4-5: The minimum number of weeks until I hope they arrive - I want them to be ready to come home, bypassing the NICU as much as possible
  • 37: The week that twins are considered full term
  • 13 & 14: The dates in February that I hope the babies are not born but fear they will be (I am admittedly a little superstitious and I'm an August baby, so I don't like the idea of sharing their birthday with another "holiday").
  • 2: The number of mattresses I need to order today for the cribs
  • 4: The unbelievable number of inches my belly has grown since Nicole and I measured our bellies just 3 weeks ago (seriously FOUR!!)
  • 24: The number of months I think it will take to lose the weight I gained during pregnancy
  • 330: The approximate number of ounces of water I've been drinking every day (seriously- and I tested negative for gestational diabetes)
  • 15: The average number of times I go to the bathroom every day
  • 3-4: The number of times I get up each night to go to the bathroom (this is TMI, isn't it?)
  • 2: The maximum number of contractions I pray for every time (twice daily) I send my monitoring sessions into the nurses (I'm allowed a max of 4-6)
  • 7: The number of books I want to read before I'm done with bed rest (good luck with that)
  • 1: The number of books I've already read
  • 194: The page number I'm on in my 2nd book (Twilight)
  • 3: The number of shows I've added to my list of favorite shows (Dr. Oz, The Doctors, The Bachelor)
  • 3: The number of weeks (+1 day) until the Olympics start, which I hope to watch on bed rest
  • 8: The number of days until they measure the babies to make sure they are growing properly. They'll estimate how much they weigh, too. I can't wait for that.
  • 0: What I know about giving birth. The only thing I know is to say yes to the epidural.
  • 1,000+: The number of times I get kicked every day. I LOVE it.
  • Too many: The number of Oreos I've eaten since Nicole gave me a package last week. I really don't even like Oreos in my non-pregnant life (I hate that they get stuck in my teeth but on bed rest, anything goes!).
  • Countless: My blessings. Not to be too cheesy but it's true. We are very lucky - for the babies, each other, our friends and families (those are big ones), the list goes on....
- Nichole, with an h

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