Hi Everyone -
It is the vertical Nicole. It has been a long time since I blogged. I've had lots of funny things that have happened that I kept saying "oh I should blog about that", but of course I see something shiny and forget to do it.
1st update, we have a date for our next arrival. She is coming out March 18, we check into Fairview Southdale hospital at 6:30am for a 8:30 scheduled c-section. We are 99% sure we have her name down, Harper (still thinking about the middle name). It is weird to have her name picked out already. With both our boys we didn't have a name until we saw them in person. I found the name Harper in the book with 50,000 baby names and for some reason the name jumped off the page and really stuck. As you may notice I did put 99% leaving me a little wiggle room just in case, I doubt it will change.
2nd I've been meaning to blog about Maternity pants and my hatred of them. They either go totally over your belly and you feel like your grandpa (no offence grandpa). In the beginning it kind of feels good to have that band over your belly, but now it just feels restricting. Your other option is below the belly and let me tell you, in the beginning they just fall down all the time and you are constantly adjusting (weird). Now my shirts don't cover my belly so I often am showing off more of my mid-drift than I ever imagined. NOT PRETTY. I'm thinking about investing in a Mu mu.
I've been over to see horizontal Nichole and talk to her almost every day, she is in good spirits.
Good bye for now to all you bff followers. I promise it won't be this long again before I post.
Vertical Nicole